Guille Ibanez (1977) is a multidisciplinary artist working in the fields of photography and 3D environment art. As a photographer his work focuses on culture, tradition and human interaction. Originally trained as a cinematographer, he also combines professional film and video work with his passion for photography. The tension between the moving and the still image goes to the heart of Guille's work, and his pictures are often referred to as being like frames from a film.

Guille has always had an interest in CG (computer graphics) but it was in 2019 that he really became immersed in CG and started to work with software like Cinema 4D or Blender. Slowly, he started to realise the raw potential and fresh perspective that these newly learnt tools could bring to his creative practice. He then went on to discover the term ‘3D environment artist’. These are professionals who create and lay out digital 3D environments that form the world of a film or video game. It includes populating an environment with assets, commonly known as set dressing. But the true ground-breaking moment was when Guille started to learn (some might say obsess with) Unreal Engine, the world's most open and advanced real-time 3D creation tool for photorealistic visuals and immersive experiences. Unreal Engine has also become the standard tool for the creation of worlds which are to be displayed and used in Virtual production, the process of integrating real-time computer-generated imagery (CGI) and other digital techniques with live-action filmmaking. And this is important because Virtual Production is the place where all of Guille’s skills and interests collide and also the next step in his professional career.

Photography highlights so far

Say hola!

From Instagram